Miss Lois and I went shopping Friday I knew it was a little early for us but didn't think it would be a big deal but it turns out it is. I always fill the hanging baskets on the front porch with pansy's and a lot of my other containers also in the fall.
Because of shopping earlier this year we haven't had a frost yet
so all of my containers are still full.
The other evening I asked the hubby take down the baskets
from the front porch and when I walked out yesterday morning
I found this wheelbarrow full of Coleus.
Don't they look pretty ?
How can I throw them out to make room for pansy's ....
I started looking for other places to put the new load of flowers thinking I would just go back and get more in a few weeks for the baskets & containers but even the beds looked full and pretty.
So I started tucking the pansy's in between the summer flowers in hopes that after that first frost the pansy's will be ready to take over to brighten up my life on those cold winter days.
Oh and I know what some of you are thinking cold winter days in Savannah ... HA !
It gets cold to me and that's all that matters ..... LOL
and yes I did toss the wheelbarrow load of coleus
: (
isn't the black ones fabulous they are on my list for next year if my cuttings don't make it through the winter.