Bugs & birds

My beautiful niece Jessica informed me that I had not shared any bugs or birds lately so this morning I took off in search of whatever I could find.

This guy showed up time I walked outside . We watched 4 of these last night working over a pine tree.

I'm I the only one that thinks these leaves look cool ?

oh Jessica here's some worms for ya ... do they remind you of the ones on your corn..yummy

here's a neat looking fellow. Is he a good or bad bug? Jessica and Miss Maddie how about identifying these birds and bugs for us ?

and then I remembered taking a picture of these guys a few weeks ago while I was out taking pictures of this beautiful young lady for her 14th Birthday .

We had so much fun wish I could show ya'll more but since I didn't think to ask permission I better not..

and how about this for a fun way to start my day .. I'm sitting here eating cold leftover meat lovers pizza ( yes for breakfast ) which I have only had one other time in my life and my doctor calls to tell me my cholesterol is up ! She said ... lay off the carbs & get moving ... I started to ask if she meant like right this second or could I finish off the rest of the pizza ..

Have a fabulous day everyone
Hugs from Savannah ya'll, Cherry


  1. We have a similar bird at our feeder....Red-Bellied Woodpecker. I don't see the red belly, but I'm sure that's what the one at our feeder is.

    Yes, you are the ONLY one that thinks the leaves are cool. lol Seriously though, they make for an interesting photo.

    Yes, always eat the left over pizza before getting up and moving around.


  2. I hate those worms, they have destroyed so many plants this year, wish I knew their name. Look into taking Lecithin caplets for your chloresterol...

  3. What a great picture. I have seen a couple of wood peckers in my back yard and wondered what I could do to attrach them/feed them. The older I get the more I like bird watching. Tahnks for posting.

  4. Hello! Beautiful pics, I like those odd leaves too. I do not, however, like the worms and bugs. :( But: I ALSO like Pizza Hut pizza. I laughed when you ended your post with the story about the doctor's call! LOL!
    Best regards,


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. It is so much fun to read everyone's thoughts on my ramblings .. I love to go blog hopping so look for me to be visiting you soon.
hugs, Cherry

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