and the rest of these are from The Southeastern Camellia Society, Inc.

This is just a few of the gorgeous species you will see on their Facebook page if you would like to see more you can click here The Southeastern Camellia Society, Inc. ...
The weather over the Thanksgiving holiday was perfect. Thursday was in the 80's so hubby and I took off to spend the day at Tybee .. nothing like sunshine & sand to make our hearts happy..

Friday I finally finished planting all of my cabbage, dusty miller and pansies. Then we got some much needed rain Friday night which brought a chilly & frosty Saturday morning.

and today is cloudy with more rain moving in which means it's going to be a great day to pull out all the Christmas decorations and try really hard to at least get the lights on the tree which is my least favorite part ... Maybe with a little help from some warm spiked cider, evergreen scented candles and Kenny G ..... I will succeed .. lol
Come join me & all the other wonderful bloggers for Mosaic Monday over at The Little Red House lots of beautiful things being shared today... click here to see them all
Happy Mosaic Monday and big hugs from Savannah ya'll, Cherry